Last week I was debugging a Windows For Workgroups network. I found myself running the Note Pad several times to check the settings for different INI files when the idea came to me for INI View. It is not one of those programs you might need everyday, but when you need it it can be very handy. INI View is Freeware so feel free to pass it on. There is no fancy Set Up routine for it, but you will need VBRUN300.DLL. You can find VBRUN300.DLL in the PC\CONTACT forum, Utilities\Misc section as VBRUN3.ZIP, or in a number of other forums on CompuServe as VBRUN3.ZIP. Once you have VBRUN300.DLL copy it to your Windows\System directory. INIVIEW.EXE can go in any directory. The first time you run INI View you will be asked to supply a directory in which the program will look for INI files. Most of your INI files will be in your Windows directory. The directory you chose will become the default start up directory until you chose "Set Directory" from the "Options" menu. When INI View starts you will see 3 list boxes. The left box lists all the INI files found in your Windows directory. The right box lists the Section Headers in the selected INI file. The bottom box list the Entries and their Settings for the selected Section. [Section Header] Entry=Setting **************************************************************************** Click once on any file in the left list box and the Sections for that file will be displayed in the bottom list box. Click once on any Section in the right box and the Entries and Settings of that Section displayed in the bottom list box. **************************************************************************** Discription of the buttons and options. The INI BUI option buttons Click on INI to view all the INI files. Click on BUI (Back Up INI) to view the back up INI files. Delete Button Click on Delete to delete the selected file. Back Up/Restore Back Up- When the INI option is selected the button will read Back Up. Click on Back Up to make a Back Up copy of the selected INI file. The back up file will have the same name as the original INI file but will have the extention BUI. I suggest making a back up of an INI file before making any changes to it. Restore- When the BUI option is selected the button will read Restore. Click on Restore to restore the backed up INI file. Find Entry When the Entry option button is selected you can search the Entry names of all or the selected INI file. Find Section When the Section option button is selected you can search the Sections names of all or the selected INI file. All Files If you check the "All Files" check box all the INI files will be searched, otherwise only the selected file will be searched. Whole Word If you check "Whole Word" check box only exact matches will be found, otherwise partial matches will be found. After you click "Find ..." a dialog box will be displayed. Type in something you want to look for and click OK. If the search is successful the find will be selected in the appropriat list box. The Find button will now read "Find Again" and the "Cancel" button will be enabled. You can click on "Find Again" to find the next instance or click on "Cancel" to begin a new search. Change Click on Change to change the Setting of the selected Entry. When you click on Change a dialogue box will appear. The dialogue box will display the INI file you are in, the Section you are in, the Entry you are changeing, and the current Setting of that Entry. Type in a new Setting and chose OK to change the Setting. I suggest you make a back up copy of the INI file before you make any changes to it. Editor Clicking on Editor will load the selected INI file into a text editor. The first time you click on Editor you will be asked to select a text editor, such as NOTEPAD.EXE, which is in you Windows directory. After that, when ever you click on Editor the selected INI file will be loaded into the text editor you chose. You can change text editors by selecting "Set Editor" from the options menu. That is about it. If you like INI View, or have any suggestions on improving it drop me a message on CompuServe at 71042,36. Greg DeBacker